Santa Maria UK Foodservice

Forego sugar for spice - it tastes just as nice

We’ve long known that hot drinks can be a dangerous way for unwanted calories to sneak into our diet. But when news emerged from

We’ve long known that hot drinks can be a dangerous way for unwanted calories to sneak into our diet. But when news emerged from Action on Sugar last week that some high street coffees can have up to 20 tablespoons of sugar in them, people all over the country were snorting with disbelief into their morning cup of joe.

In some of the more extreme cases, coffees can contain over twice the level of sugar than a can of soft drink - far exceeding the seven teaspoon daily maximum recommended by the NHS.

With one third of hot drinks served in high-street chains containing similar levels of sugar, some of the major coffee chains have already said they are committed to reducing the sugar content in their drinks

A simple and effective way to significantly reduce calories in coffee is to replace heavy sugar-laden syrups with spices. Bursting with natural flavour, spices offer a healthier way to increase the taste and aroma of a hot beverage.

If you’re looking to offer coffee with a twist and give your customers different flavour experiences, our Orange & Pepper blend is just the ticket to spice up lattes - and a sprinkle of our Organic Ground Cinnamon is the perfect finish to chai lattes.

Add our unique Cacao & Chili blend to your base espresso to easily create a spicy Devil’s cappuccino, or to milk ahead of steaming for a deep and flavoursome mocha or hot chocolate. It’s also a great topping too, providing a lovely touch of chocolatey heat that will definitely make your hot drinks stand out from the competition.

Spices are also a simple way to introduce your customers to more adventurous coffees via self-serve flavour stations. Not only do they negate the need for unhealthy sugar-laden syrups, but allow customers to add enhancers they can personalise their drinks to suit their own taste.

With the trend for customisation becoming more and more important to consumers, coffee operators can take advantage of this trend and really stand out from the crowd by offering an exciting range of spices at their flavour station - like our Cacao & Chili, Orange & Pepper, Nutmeg, Organic Cinnamon and Vanilla Sugar.

Santa Maria UK Ltd ∙ Nimbus House, Maidstone Road ∙ Kingston, Milton Keynes, Bucks, MK10 0BD